
All prior scenarios will be listed here in running chronological order.

[5/13/13] 21 Chapman St — unknown

[4/22/13] 720 Mass Ave — MVA

[4/8/13] 322 Stowecroft — unknown medical

[4/1/13] Wellington Park — AMS

[3/25/13] Minuteman Bikeway — assault

[3/18/13] 1100 Massachusetts Ave — welfare check

[3/4/13] 359 Mystic St — hip pain

[2/25/13] 267 Beacon St — hand lac

[2/18/13] Acres Nursing and Rehab — low O2 sat

[2/4/13] Winchester Country Club — fall

[1/28/13] 101 Coolidge Rd — intercept for CP

[1/21/13] 203 Philips St — SOB

[1/14/13] 316 Bartlett Ave — EDP

[12/24/12] Mystic St and Beverly Rd — car into tree (New Year’s case)

[12/17/12] 32 Claremont Ave — man down

[12/10/12] 200 Broadway — fall

[12/3/12] Falling Leaves Assisted Living — abd pain

[11/27/12] 792 Summer St — psych eval

[11/19/12] 189 Brand St — stroke

[11/12/12] 119 Gray St — fall

[11/5/12] Acres Nursing and Rehab — AMS

[10/29/12] Mystic Valley Parkway and River St — MVA

[10/22/12] Wadsworth and Newport — man down

[10/15/12] 116 Montague — shortness of breath


  1. I just discovered your site (thru LinkedIn). Very impressed. Thank you for puttin so much effort into putting educational material out there. May I respectfully suggest putting the newest scenerio on the top of the list? A reverse chronological order, if you will. I think you will find it more helpful when referring back in discussions.

    Sheri S.

  2. I have to write a scenario on toxic inhalation I’ve never written one before do you have any suggestions?

    • What sort of inhalant?

      • any really but the idea I have in my head is somebody mixed bleach and ammonia cleaners while cleaning their toilet

        • my problem is is that I’m too experienced to know what exactly the issues would be um as in vital signs etc I have the scenario as far as like the idea down but I don’t know how to run the call

          • Too *inexperienced

            • That’s always tricky. I try not to write scenarios for situations I haven’t encountered, because it’s hard to get the details right. Haven’t done many inhalation runs myself. I’d try to find people who have and grill them on how it went down from their eyes — then cross-check plenty of formal references to make sure you get the pathophysiological side of things right too.

  3. Just found this site (Dec2014) , really excellent, thank you. But why is there no new stuff in the scenarios?

    • Antoinette,

      New content on the site has unfortunately taken a back burner after I went off to PA school. I’ll try and get some more scenarios up one of these days! I recommend subscribing to our Facebook/Twitter feeds; that way you’ll hear about it when it happens.

  4. I love your website! I see you have taken a bit of a hiatus, but I would love to see you make some new scenarios. I love reading them!

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